

#include <bits/stdc++.h>
using namespace std;
const int N = 1001;
char equa[N];

int match(int k){ // 传入左括号  返回与其匹配的右括号的下标
    int c = 0;
        if(equa[k] == '('){
        }else if(equa[k] == ')'){
        if(c == 0){
            return k;

void element(map<string, int> &mp, int coef, int l, int r){
    mp[string(equa + l, equa + r + 1)] += coef;
    // string的特殊构造方法:string(start, end), 与其他STL同样是左闭右开

void term(map<string, int> &mp, int coef, int l, int r){
    void formula(map<string, int> &mp, int coef, int l, int r);
    if(equa[l] == '(' && equa[r] == ')') {
        formula(mp, coef, l + 1, r - 1);
    element(mp, coef, l, r);

void term_coef(map<string, int> &mp, int coef, int l, int r){
    if(equa[r] >= '0' && equa[r] <= '9'){
        int pos = r, num = 0;
        while(equa[pos] >= '0' && equa[pos] <= '9'){
        for(int k = pos + 1; k <= r; k++){
            num = num * 10 + (equa[k] - '0');
        if(num) coef *= num;
        term(mp, coef, l, pos);
    term(mp, coef, l, r);

void formula(map<string, int> &mp, int coef, int l, int r){
    for(int i = l; i <= r; ){
        if(equa[i] == '('){
            int p = match(i) + 1;
            if(p > r){ // 括号是formula的最后一个字符  可以return
                // 如 Na(Au(CN)2)
                term_coef(mp, coef, i, p - 1);
            while(equa[p] >= '0' && equa[p] <= '9'){
            }  // 括号后可能有下标,如(CN)2
            term_coef(mp, coef, i, p - 1);
            i = p;  // i的更新方式
            int p = i + 1;
            while((equa[p] >= '0' && equa[p] <= '9') || (equa[p] >= 'a' && equa[p] <= 'z')){ // 跳过数字、小写字母
            term_coef(mp, coef, i, p - 1);
            i = p;
void coef_formula(map<string, int> &mp, int l, int r){
    if(equa[l] >= '0' && equa[l] <= '9'){
        int coef = 0, pos = l;
        while(equa[pos] >= '0' && equa[pos] <= '9'){
            coef = coef * 10 + (equa[pos++] - '0');
        formula(mp, coef, pos, r);
    formula(mp, 1, l, r);

map<string, int> expr(int l, int r){
    map<string, int> mp;
    int pre = l;
    for(int i = l; i <= r; i++){
        if(equa[i] == '+'){
            coef_formula(mp, pre, i - 1);
            pre = i + 1;
    coef_formula(mp, pre, r);
    return mp;

int main(int argc, char** argv) {
    int n;
    scanf("%d", &n);

    for(int i = 0; i < n; i++){
        scanf("%s", equa);
        int e = find(equa, equa + N, '=') - equa;
        printf(expr(0, e - 1) == expr(e + 1, strlen(equa) - 1) ? "Y\n" : "N\n");
    return 0;
Last modification:January 16th, 2020 at 08:44 pm
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